
Daten zum Projekt

Combining data of different spatial granularity (CoGran)

Initiative: Wissenschaft und Datenjournalismus
Bewilligung: 21.10.2015
Laufzeit: 9 Monate


Data journalism often deals with statistical data which has a spatial reference and is, after applying suitable analysis operations, finally presented in form of maps. This data is attached to specific reporting zones which can have a quite different spatial granularity. The integration of data-sets with different spatial granularities is a challenge for both, data journalism and science. The goals of this project - which is conducted by a researcher from the HafenCity University in Hamburg and a journalist from the "Berliner Morgenpost" are, thus, (1) to define parameters which guide the method selection (e.g., variance and spatial distribution of data values in source reporting zones, differences in sizes and form between source and target zones), (2) to perform an extensive and comprehensive empirical evaluation - not only using some selected methods, but applied to numerous combinations of very different reporting zones, leading to a better understanding of the effects, and (3) to provide scientifically grounded guidelines and decision support for specific and typical tasks involving the integration of data-sets with heterogeneous granularity.
