
Daten zum Projekt

Networks of Outrage: Mapping the Emergence of New Extremism in Europe

Zur Projekt-Website

Initiative: Wissenschaft und Datenjournalismus
Bewilligung: 21.10.2015
Laufzeit: 9 Monate


In the past decade, Europe has witnessed the birth of many autonomous movements at the far-right end of the political spectrum. While PEGIDA, the Identitarian Movement and many others differ in many ways, they share similar bottom-up communication strategies. This project aims at exploring the networks and European connections that characterize these movements of outrage. It does that by investigating their public communication on the web and in social media, and by conducting interviews and on-site research. The results - interactive networks, maps and stories - will be published online, in the newspaper and in scientific journals. The project team consists of researchers from Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society in Berlin, and of journalists from Der Standard in Vienna. They will involve media organizations in Germany and Switzerland as publishing partners.


  • Prof. Dr. Jeanette Hofmann

    Alexander von Humboldt Institut
    für Internet und Gesellschaft gGmbH
    Internet Policy and Governance

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