
Daten zum Projekt

Self Organization of Cell shape - an essential prerequisite for complex cellular life

Initiative: "Leben?" - Ein neuer Blick der Naturwissenschaften auf die grundlegenden Prinzipien des Lebens (beendet)
Bewilligung: 02.12.2016
Laufzeit: 5 Jahre


The elementary unit of life is the cell. All cells are bounded by envelopes that confer size and shape, fundamental properties that are essential to many biological processes. One of the fundamental questions in cell biology is: If these shapes are required for proper physiology, how do the shapes themselves arise? The research team proposes to combine experiment and theory to identify the fundamental principles underlying the robust design of cell shape and the feedback mechanisms responsible for shape regulation. The team will study the shape-determining factors for cell envelope maintenance of three evolutionary distant rod-shaped microorganisms: First, the dominant processes and cellular machineries contributing to cell envelope expansion will be identified using sub-cellular microscopy. Second, the mechanisms conferring robustness to cell shape will be determined by applying genetic, mechanical, and chemical perturbations. Third, theoretical approaches will be applied to build a comprehensive model of cell envelope growth. Finally, this approach will provide a comprehensive understanding of cellular growth and morphology across distant domains of life.


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