
Daten zum Projekt

NANO-NAMI: Nanotechnology Outreach to the Bekkersdal community

Initiative: Wissen für morgen – Kooperative Forschungsvorhaben im subsaharischen Afrika (beendet)
Bewilligung: 16.10.2019
Laufzeit: 1 Jahr 6 Monate


The purpose of the workshop, which is named NANO-NAMI ('Nano and Me' in isiZulu language), is aimed to communicate nanotechnology and its applications to the community in the Township of Bekkersdal. This project aims to: - design and undertake a communication and outreach program in nanotechnology; - design material and programs appropriate to the different education levels of the target audience i.e. students and adult community members that may not have a similar level of formal education; - focus on applications of nanotechnology in water treatment, but also broadly include applications in the domains of energy and medicine; - spark dialogue about the perceptions of benefits and risks as well as societal aspects of nanotechnology. The outreach activities are planned to involve at least 300 residents comprising 200 students from the local secondary school, 100 adult members of the community. A total of 5 sessions are planned for the engagements. This work is also motivated by a desire to strengthen the interest of young people, especially girls, in sciencerelated careers. By relating nanotechnology as a potential solution for actual needs, students may be encouraged to pursue science careers.


  • Prof. Dr. Eva Schlecht

    Universität Göttingen
    Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften
    Department für Nutztierwissenschaften
    Abteilung Tierhaltung in den Tropen und Subtropen

  • Dr. Anita Etale

    University of the Witwatersrand
    Global Change Institute
    5th floor, University Corner