
Daten zum Projekt

EC-RIDER: Explainable AI Methods for Human-Centric Ridesharing

Initiative: Künstliche Intelligenz – Ihre Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft von morgen
Ausschreibung: Künstliche Intelligenz – Ihre Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft von morgen - Planning Grant
Bewilligung: 07.02.2019
Laufzeit: 9 Monate


The EC-RIDER project will study and create novel, advanced and explainable AI methods for problems in the realm of shared urban mobility and validate them on selected ridesharing scenarios. While working towards these objectives, EC-RIDER will address four research challenges (RCs): 1. RC1: Understand and model human motivation and behavior (user satisfaction, trust, choice of mobility mode) in ridesharing applications while maintaining user privacy. 2. RC2: Develop and evaluate novel business and operations models, pricing and incentive schemes, taking the models of RC1 into account, in order to achieve a satisfactory degree of social welfare. 3. RC3: Develop and evaluate innovative algorithmic AI methods based on the models provided by RC1 and RC2 to find human-centered, socially sustainable, fair and efficient traffic assignments. 4. RC4: Develop new methodologies for successfully creating and applying the AI methods of RC3. The critical success factor we will address is explainability of AI methods and algorithms to the human user.


  • Prof. Dr. Jörg P. Müller

    Technische Universität Clausthal
    Institut für Informatik

  • Dr. Noam Hazon

    Ariel University
    Department of Computer Science

  • Prof. Dr. Lutz Kolbe

    Universität Göttingen
    Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften
    Professur für Informationsmanagement
    Smart Mobility Research Group

  • Prof. Sarit Kraus

    Bar Ilan University
    Department of Computer Science
    Ramat Gan

  • Prof. Dr. Mark Vollrath

    Technische Universität Braunschweig
    Fakultät für Lebenswissenschaften
    Lehrstuhl für Ingenieur- und Verkehrspsychologie

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