
Daten zum Projekt

Phase sensitive imaging of microwave signal propagation in superconducting meta-materials

Initiative: Trilaterale Partnerschaften – Kooperationsvorhaben zwischen Wissenschaftler(inne)n aus der Ukraine, Russland und Deutschland
Bewilligung: 06.12.2019
Laufzeit: 3 Jahre


The proposed work is a quest to discover new experimental approach to a detailed understanding of unusual physics, technological limitations and performances of metamaterial based RF devices. For building these devices the project consortium will employ superconductors which help obtaining low loss, frequency tunability and nonlinearity of the metamaterial. The experimental technique for imaging the internal electrodynamics of superconducting metamaterial would provide a clear strategy for the precise prediction and characterization of metamaterial properties. The performance of metamaterials is often influenced by an incomplete phase synchronization of constitutive meta-atoms, which are theorized to group into separate clusters with distinct coherent responses. Such incomplete synchronization may not necessarily be related to technological imperfections or non-identical meta-atoms, but relies on the complex patterns (e.g., chimeras) of coherent states formation for large arrays of spatially arranged unit cells. There is a lack of understanding of the causal links between spatially-temporal structure of the formed coherent oscillations patterns and high-frequency dynamics, including spatial damping, blocking, regrouping and redirection of propagating microwave oscillations. The microscopic technique for spatially resolved identification of phase relationships of oscillations of individual meta-atoms is important to clarify these unexplored features. Now this newly developed technique to study phase-sensitive effects in superconducting metamaterials will be applied. Moreover, the consortium proposes to develop a distinctive method for generation of LSM signal by exploring the heterodyne mechanism of mixing of the laser modulation frequency with microwave frequency. This approach will remove existing frequency limitations and bring the phase-sensitive LSM to the level required for exploring physics of superconductive metamaterials.


  • Prof. Dr. Alexey Ustinov

    Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
    Physikalisches Institut

  • Dr. Alexander Zhuravel

    National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
    B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics
    and Engineering

  • Prof. Dr. Alexandre Karpov

    National University of Science and
    Chair of Theoretical Physics
    and Quantum Technologies
    MISiS, office B 702