
Daten zum Projekt

Functional Synthetic Human Neural Circuits

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Initiative: Freigeist-Fellowships
Bewilligung: 31.03.2014
Laufzeit: 5 Jahre


In order to understand how parts of the human brain function in health and disease, the aim of this project is to reverse engineer functional human neuronal circuits by combining neuroscience with stem cell research and bioengineering. The human brain is an extremely sophisticated biological computer - by far the most complex biological system in this universe - and our understanding of brain function is still in its infancy. Limited access to human brain tissues for research purposes has also hindered our understanding. To overcome these hurdles, a new constructive approach will be explored. The goal is to generate the basic parts, namely electrically active neurons, from adult human stem cells and to connect these cells in a controlled and reproducible way into defined functional neuronal circuits in vitro. Disease-causing mutations will be introduced to some circuit members trying to model brain diseases in a human setting to explore novel therapeutic interventions. Furthermore, from an engineering point of view, it is aimed to create biological computers using living cells to compute signals as our brain does with extreme efficiency.


  • Prof. Dr. Volker Busskamp

    Universitätsklinikum Bonn
    Universitäts-Augenklinik Bonn
    Professur für degenerative Netzhauterkrankungen
    AG Busskamp

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