
Daten zum Projekt

Ways of seeing, ways of knowing

Initiative: Zusätzliche Mittel für Wissenschaftskommunikation
Bewilligung: 11.08.2022
Laufzeit: 1 Jahr 6 Monate


Meaningful pictures and visualisations depicting climate change futures, genetic mechanisms, black holes, brain and organs help to bridge the gap between abstract concept or theory and everyday experience, making clearer its local and individual relevance, and impacting memory. While images have been and are pervasive across all forms of science communication, our engagement with them can be deceptively easy: Viewers expect to see the same thing as everyone else, and do not often reflect on how their experience can be influenced or shared with others around them. My research project Co-Sense challenges these individualist models of perception and shows how our perception is shaped by the presence and perspective of others. Because scientific images are popular and often observed or discussed by multiple people, for instance in museums or classrooms, I believe that taking my research out of the lab can perform a ?double strike" and interest the public (1) to consider the social and shared aspects of perception and (2) to be more reflexive and engaged in their interactions with scientific images, old & new.


  • Prof. Dr. Ophelia Deroy

    Universität München
    Munich Centre for Neuroscience
    Chair in Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive