
Daten zum Projekt

Ausbildungskonzept "An integrative concept for Teaching and Research in Evolutionary Biology (iEvol)"

Initiative: Evolutionsbiologie (beendet)
Bewilligung: 31.03.2006
Laufzeit: 3 Jahre


At the University of Cologne it is planned to establish an integrative concept ranging from school teaching to a PhD program with the overall objective to foster interest, knowledge and research in modern evolutionary biology. One element of this concept is the generation of teaching material for high schools as well as addressing the public by a public outreach program. Within the biology curriculum of the university, new lectures and course elements will be integrated into the first two semesters. For advanced students, three new specialized evolutionary modules will be offered. A central element of the concepts will be the provision of incentives for project proposals from Bachelor and Master students to work on evolutionary subjects. All these activities will be integrated into a concept for a PhD program in evolutionary biology within the framework of the SFB "Molecular basis of evolutionary innovations". In this context, special emphasis will be put on teaching of advanced evolutionary biology within an interdisciplinary curriculum.
