
Daten zur Person*

Prof. Dr. Andreas Bürkert

Zur persönlichen Website

Adresse: Universität Kassel
FB 11: Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften
Fachgebiet Ökologischer Pflanzenbau und Agraröko-
systemforschung in den Tropen und Subtropen
Steinstr. 19
37213 Witzenhausen
Fachgebiet: Agrar- und Forstwissenschaften
Spezialgebiet: Ökologischer Pflanzenbau Tropen/Subtropen
*letzte der Stiftung bekannte Adresse


Projekttitel Bewilligungsdatum
Senior Fellowship for Dr. Anita Etale "Tuning the Separation Properties of Thin-Film Nanocomposite Membranes by Polymeric Functionalisation of Graphene Oxide Nanosheets" 27.11.2020
Senior Fellowship for Dr. Ruth Kansky "Towards Innovation in Wildlife Governance - a case study of Namibian Community Conservation" 27.11.2020
Extension Phase of the Senior Fellowship for Dr. Robert Mbeche "Social - ecological Synergies and Tradeoffs in incentive-based Conservation in Kenya" 27.11.2020
Senior Fellowship for Dr. Georges Djohy "Navigating Uncertainties: New livelihood trajectories by Fulani Pastoralist Youth in Northern Benin" 27.11.2020
Aus- und Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen für Postdoctoral Fellowships for African Researchers on Livelihood Management, Reforms, and Processes of Structural Change 27.11.2020
Senior Fellowship for Dr. Oumarou Ouédraogo: Towards an efficient management of the invasive plant Senna obtusifolia, a novel threat to West Africa's rangelands 15.02.2017
Senior Fellowship for Dr. Simret Weldenegodguad: Capacity Building to Support in-situ Conservation of the Endangered Sheko Breed of Cattle (African Bos taurus) in Southwestern Ethiopia 15.02.2017
Senior Fellowship for Dr. Robert Mbeche: Effect of Payment for Ecosystem Service (PES) initiatives on forest governance, livelihoods and forest condition in Kenya 15.02.2017
Junior Fellowship for Georges Djohy: Women's Associations in a Pastoralist Society in Transformation: Implications for Gender-Based Livelihood Improvement Policies in Benin 15.02.2017
Junior Fellowship for Isaiah Etemo Muchilwa: Empowering Jua Kali to combat mycotoxins in Kenya's maize supplies: A participatory design approach with transdisciplinary knowledge integration 15.02.2017
Junior Fellowship for Dr. Anita Etale: Nanotechnology for the provision of safe water in mining communities 15.02.2017
Junior Fellowship for Dr. Ruth Kansky: Sustainable human-wildlife coexistence in the Anthropocene: The Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area in Southern Africa 15.02.2017
Junior Fellowship for Dr. Jamiat Nanteza: An integrated assessment of groundwater resources and their sustainable use in the Lake Kyoga basin, Uganda 15.02.2017
Junior Fellowship for Steven Matema: Sustainable Transfrontier Conservation Areas? Exploring linkages between natural resources management, livelihood management and socio-political dynamics in the Chimanimani TFCA 15.02.2017
Junior Fellowship for Dr. Ferdinand Postma: Possible role of the South African mining industry in the establishment of a sustainable biobased economy. 15.02.2017
Aus- und Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen für "Postdoctoral Fellowships for African Researchers on Livelihood Management, Reforms, and Processes of Structural Change" 15.02.2017
Challenges and opportunities for nutrient efficient agriculture in West African cities - extension 15.12.2010
Sustainable Restitution/Recultivation of Artisanal Tantalum Mining Wasteland in Central Africa 03.05.2010
Challenges and opportunities for nutrient efficient agriculture in West African cities 15.12.2006